FEATURE: The Ward Family

Pursuing their dreams full time! The Ward family's crew of 5 lays out how they've made their boat a home. Read all about it.
FEATURE: Big Oz Explorers
They wanted to try an unconventional lifestyle and ended up loving the road life more than they could have imagined. Let this family inspire you to pack it all up and hit the road! Read more.

SEEKR by Caframo is proud to be onboard with many individuals, couples, and families caravanning down under and using our products to keep cool. Find them on our Instagram account @SEEKRlife. Image courtesy of @theavocadofolk.

Thinking of making a boat a home? Let this nautical family give you some well-learned advice. Read up on their adventures aboard here.
SIROCCO II Elite in Australia
Alex and Talia (@EarthWithUs) take stunning photos of their adventures across Australia. They recently installed the Sirocco II Elite and it's hard to tell if they're more in love with their fan or each other!

Caframo has recently partnered with Beneteau to bring a defogging solution to the Merry Fisher line of boats. The large panoramic windshields have a tendency to get covered in condensation and SEEKR has the solution. Beneteau will be installing 12V defoggers into the ductwork that will have the ability to clear the giant windshields in under 5 minutes! The possibilities are endless when an industry leading boat builder and industry leading ventilation specialist team up!

Nomad Vanz, Located in North Vancouver British Columbia, Canada are known for their unique and durable custom van conversions built to withstand all of the elements. Nomad has chosen to install Sirocco II fans into their Yin Yang vans, as seen above. Check out their cool line at
Catamaran Comfort

Sino Eagle Yacht, builder & owner of Aquila Power Catamarans, is among the growing number of boat builders installing Caframo® cabin fans to help keep their owners cool on board. The team at Aquila says that Caframo fans are a popular item selected by their dealers and customers because they appreciate the quiet and efficient comfort provided by SEEKR’s best-selling Sirocco II cabin fan. “Approximately 98% of the orders we receive from our dealers and customers select the Sirocco II fan to be installed in either our Aquila 44 or Aquila 48 models”. For more information about Aquila power catamarans, visit

Conqueror North America is all about the off-road life. They manufacture well engineered compact trailers to travel the most rugged terrain. Being off grid, they rely on 12V accessories and systems. Conquerer believe our Sirocco II matches the compact yet mighty mentality of their trailers to keep adventurers comfortable on all of their conquests.

Our friends down under know all about the dry hot days and nights when travelling off grid in the outback. That's why Jayco stepped up and installed two Sirocco II fans in each of their off grid style Adventurer models so that the avid explorers could trek across the continent in comfort. Nothing is more important than a good night sleep after a long day having fun in the outback sun, and the Sirocco II mounted above the sleeping area keeps campers cool on those dry hot nights.